I am a certified craftsman (Intermediate Level 2) and professional member of the Dry Stone Walling Association (UK). I have been a professional waller since 2010.
Being a mountain walker I had always come across dry stone walls throughout the UK and particularly in North Wales. I had often wondered how and why they had been built, and how they could scale such steep hillsides.
Most of my life I have worked on administrative projects but I always enjoyed working on the land, firstly on farms and then in rescue archaeology and footpath and canal conservation. This, allied to my love of walking, climbing and the countryside, led me naturally to dry stone walling.
In 2008 I went on a day taster course for Dry Stone Walling at the Stone Centre in Derbyshire. I was hooked. After a lifetime of work doing other things I had the opportunity to take two consecutive courses at the Derbyshire Eco Centre. I still remember the splendid tuition provided by the tutors (most of them master craftsmen) from the Derbyshire branch of the DSWA. In 2010 I took up work as a professional waller repairing farm walls in Derbyshire. This was when I really began to learn dry stone walling. I knew the techniques, I just needed to put them into practice.
I still repair farm walls for a number of farmers in Derbyshire but
also build new walls and garden features. I have also worked in the West Midlands, Staffordshire, Shropshire and Dorset. My clients include Ikea and Waitrose among others.
I sometimes work with other wallers but mostly work alone on small and medium sized projects. I like to have complete control over the work.
Dry stone walling is a passion and an interest, as well as work. I am fascinated by the art of dry stone walling in all its forms and throughout the world, as well as conserving the walled landscape of upland regions throughout the British Isles.
I am always on the lookout for new and exciting challenges anywhere.
Some recent work